
Interactivity May Be the Key to Viewership for your Video Ads

Interactivity May Be the Key to Viewership for your Video Ads

Video marketing is flooding the web: it’s the most effective form of advertisement in terms of conversion rates, and video clicks comprise the vast majority of web traffic. Advertisers are constantly on the prowl for new and improved ways to make their video ad content stand out from the crowd (here are a few examples of some recent wildly successful video marketing campaigns).

One form of video marketing which is still in its fledgling stages is the interactive video ad. These ads open new routes for ad and product engagement, and since interactive videos have not yet become mainstream in the online advertising world, it is a surefire way to make your video ads stand out from the millions of others on the web.

Choose Your Own Adventure Ads & Viewer Empowerment

We already know that video ads are more effective than image-based ads because of their emotional appeal and potential for engagement. Advertisers can take this level of engagement to the next step by elevating the viewer from perceived engagement to actual, literal engagement with the plot line of the ad.

Viewers simply feel more invested in the ad (and therefore, the brand) when their decisions are directly reflected in the video. It engenders a sense of empowerment and brand loyalty.

Types of Effective Interactive Ads

This may sound like a complex idea to implement, but in reality, some of the interactive ads with the highest view counts are are very simple and straightforward.

The most conceptually straightforward interactive ad is a plot which moves forward, and at different points in time, allows the viewer to choose between two or more options that move the ad plot in a different trajectory. These ads can be somewhat time-consuming, though, as you effectively have to script, shoot, and process the same amount of content you would need for multiple ads for use in only one.

However, they are worth the effort because the same viewer will often go back to the beginning and click through different options to see a new outcome, leading to increased product exposure.

Rollover Ads

Arguably, image-based rollover ads are less engaging, but at the reward of being much easier to program and the potential to be based only on a series of images rather than videos. However, interactive rollover video ads are most effective, but also the most difficult to produce.

According to Adweek, Taylor’s coffee chain, for example, has tested rollover ads on Facebook, with different scenes available to view depending on where you scroll your mouse on the home screen. Rollover video ads have been mostly incorporated into website landing pages. However, the format has struggled with compatibility on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram, particularly due to the smaller screen size available to mobile users.

Interactive Quizzes

A modified form of interactive rollover ad that is becoming very popular is the type including interactive quizzes and questionnaires. These types of ads have a twofold benefit for the advertiser. First, as with any interactive ad, the viewer is more intrigued and likely to engage. Second, through the quizzes, the company has the opportunity to conduct market research and gather consumer data straight from the source.

Do you think interactive ads are going to be the next big thing? Comment with any other neat examples you’ve seen of interactive ads from around the web!

Jason About the Author / Jason

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution.

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