
Under website scanning technique, whole website is scanned thoroughly to identify malware and harmful code.

Website Scanning

Website Scanning

Our website scanning tool will look through your website coding to identify any harmful code or malware. Furthermore, bug alerts will also be generated to help you develop your code. We use the Secure Malware Alert and Removal Tool that is considered an essential website scanning tool. Once identified, we will provide you with action plans on how to minimize the damage and secure your website.

Protection of Website

Our website scanning services provide help to detect potential websites threats and vulnerabilities those commonly occur in websites. We scan your website by using scanning tools to identify the malware injections and vulnerabilities. To keep secure your website it is necessary that your website does not have any off link in website. All webpages must be linked with each other properly. Due to this problem of off-link, on Google search engine it will also cause problem of low ranking over web. In this way it has become necessary to protect your website from all these vulnerabilities. We use all possible available tools that can protect your website such as use of secure socket layer, updated scanning and monitoring software, anti-virus and other essential security tools.

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Suite 23A, New York, 10019

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