Minify CSS

Minify CSS

Minify CSS with this tool and your data will look cool.

Minify your website css in just seconds!

Minify CSS

CSS or Cascading Style Sheet is a style of sheet language which is used for describing the presentation of any document that is written in a markup language. This language is most often used for setting the visual style of the web pages and user interfaces which are written in HTML and XHTML.

You can use our CSS minifying tool compress CSS (CSS1, CSS2, CSS2.1 and CSS3) to reduce CSS coding size which will make your website load faster. This tool is very quick and easy to use. Minifying, greatly reduces the byte count in common CSS by stripping away all comments and most of the whitespace and also shortening color names. This tool saves times and steps that are required manually to minify CSS by hand.


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